Number Of Faces: 4 Mukhi
Origin: Nepal
Certification: The Product will come with the Lab Certification of Authenticity by RGL, Gemologist.
।। चतुर्वक्तः स्वयं ब्रह्मा यस्य देहे प्रतिष्ठति स भवेत्सर्वशास्त्रज्ञो द्विजो वेद विदा वरः ।।
पद्म पुराण अ. ५७, श्लो. ४८
4 Mukhi Rudraksha is Brahma. One who wears it becomes knowledgeable of all Vedas and all other Shastras.
Padma Purana Chapter. 57, Shloka. 48
This Rudraksha is revered for its ability to pacify the malefic effects of planet Mercury in the wearer’s horoscope. It is also considered beneficial in the treatment of various ailments, including blood circulation issues, cough, brain-related illnesses, asthma, stammering, memory lapses, respiratory tract problems, and diseases related to the nose.
The ruling deity of the Four Mukhi Rudraksha is Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe and the bestower of knowledge and creativity. Wearing this Rudraksha is believed to enhance the wearer’s knowledge, concentration, and learning abilities, thereby improving memory retention. Additionally, it is said to positively influence the wearer’s speech, enabling them to utilize it to their advantage.
Students who wear the Four Mukhi Rudraksha are believed to experience enhanced performance in their studies due to increased memory power and concentration. Overall, wearing this sacred bead is thought to bestow wisdom, creativity, and eloquence upon the wearer, leading to holistic personal and academic growth.
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